DigiMusic Summer 2020

Good Day Everyone:

Feel free to share the following with others you feel would be interested:

I am writing on behalf of DigiBC, the Interactive and Digital Media Industry Association of British Columbia. DigiBC is currently hosting a free music challenge called DigiMusic for high school students in British Columbia, and would love to spread awareness of the event in your community. I've included a description below about DigiMusic. I can also send over an eflyer about the event if you would like, too.

Would it be possible to promote DigiMusic through your community newsletter or events calendar?



DigiBC is proud to announce the launch of DigiMusic Summer 2020, a free music composition challenge for grades 7-12 students in British Columbia.

We invite young musicians and composers of all varieties to create a musical score that is based around one of the four clips featured on the DigiMusic website from world famous video games and animated films that have been created right here in British Columbia.

All students that submit a musical piece will be entered in a draw to win some cutting-edge music and recording equipment.

We are accepting music entries from now until July 31st, 11:59PM PDT.

We also have an event registration link to the challenge and other programming we will be having throughout July: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/digimusic-summer-2020-workshops-tickets-110878809504

DigiMusic Homepage: https://www.digibc.org/cpages/digimusic
Challenge Details: https://www.digibc.org/cpages/challengedetails

Kate-Lyn West

Creative Technology Education Coordinator


Thank you for your time, all the best!

DigiBC - The Interactive & Digital Media Industry Association of BC




For more information please contact them directly.  Wishing you the best day.

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