Alert Bay Visitor Centre

Good Day Everyone:

Friendly reminder the Alert Bay Visitor Centre will be CLOSED from Monday, February 15, 2021 to Thursday, February 18, 2021.  Tuesday, February 16 to the 18 for immediate assistance please contact the Village of Alert Bay 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.  Although the Visitor Centre will be open for a short time on Friday, February 19, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM, from 11:45 AM to 4:30 PM on this day only once again for immediate assistance please contact the Village of Alert Bay Phone: 250 974 5213 or email:   Please note during these closed hours there are brochures available in the hallway of the Village Office/Post Office building at 15 Maple Road (less then half a city block away from the Visitor Centre see attached map). 

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Family Day weekend. 

Map VC to VO.jpg

February 1, 2021

Good Day Everyone:

Please note as of today, February 1, 2021 there will be new hours for Alert Bay Shop Rite Grocery see attached poster.  Feel free to share with others you feel would be interested.  For more information please contact them directly.

 Wishing you a great day.

Shop Rite February 1, 2021 Grocery (2).jpg

January 12, 2021

From: Horel, Bridget FLNR:EX <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 3:42 PM
Subject: Small Business Recovery Grant Info


Hello Everyone,

Good afternoon. Attached is some information regarding the changes to the BC Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant program, announced in December (press release at 

Eligibility criteria were streamlined on December 18, 2020, to make it easier for businesses to qualify. Those businesses who have already submitted an application, do not need to re-apply.

Eligibility changes include:

  • instead of requiring a revenue loss of 50% or more, the criteria has been reduced to 30% at the time of application;

  • the requirement to list a variety of remittance accounts, like the registration numbers for the goods and services tax, provincial sales tax and WorkSafeBC, have been removed;

  • businesses that have been in operation for the last 18 months are now eligible (reduced from three years);

  • applications can now be submitted by sole proprietors; and

  • businesses that are temporarily closed or seasonal are now eligible for the program.

Also, a few updates to questions that have been asked:

  1. Question: Why are Not-for-Profits (NFPs) not eligible for the grant?
    Staff with the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation have brought this question to their executive who will be bringing forward suggestions, should they be able to make further changes to the eligibility.

  2. Question: Why are Vacation Rentals not eligible for BRG?
    The Ministry has looked into this and has been given direction that vacation rental businesses that are registered with BC Registries as an official business with a licence, are able to apply, as long as they meet the other eligibility criteria.


In addition, please find an info sheet with a list of COVID-19 Supports for Non-Profit Organizations.

Morningstar Pinto (; and John Cruz ( with the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation are also available to speak about the program if you have a regional call/meeting and would like them to join the call.

Please feel free to share the program information within your networks.

All the best,

Bridget Horel

Regional Economic Operations Branch – Regional Manager North Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast

Rural Development Unit

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

370 Dogwood Street South, Campbell River, BC │250-850-1770 (Office) │ 250-202-8619 (Cell) │




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Alert Bay Visitor Centre

Good Day Everyone:

 Please note that the Alert Bay Visitor Centre will be Closed from November 27, 2020 to January 3, 2021.  For immediate assistance please contact the Village of Alert Bay Phone: 250-974-5213 email:  Open: Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. There will be Alert Bay brochures in the hallway of the Village of Alert Bay/Post Office building (less then half a city block from Visitor Centre) at 15 Maple Road, door is unlocked Monday to Saturday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.  Attached is a map showing you directions from Visitor Centre to the Village of Alert Bay Office.

 Wishing you all a great day.

Map VC to VO.jpg

Street Lights

Now that it is getting dark earlier, please advise the Village Office 250-974-5213 if you have a street light that is out in your area. Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

We would need the nearest address OR the cross streets to Advise BC Hydro.

We want to keep everyone safe out there.

Street light.jpg

November 25, 2020

Shannon Alfred Cormorant Island Emergency Preparedness

November 25th, 2020

Hello Cormorant Island Residents

Last week was quite something, I had never witnessed a windstorm that strong before in all my life of windstorms. Winds gusting to what I feel were at 115 if not more.

In a small community we do our best to provide information to community members to be prepared at home for a number of emergency events that could impact our community.

Every winter our community experiences severe wind storms and a number of power outages. Such as the 1996 mini blizzard when our community was with out power for 4 days and people were going over to Port McNeill. I at the time was living on social assistance and could not do that and my household survived pretty much on cereal for the 4 days, and under bundles of blankets.

Another winter storm occurred a year or two later, left us without power for 3 days. This time I went over to Port McNeill and they were without power as well so it was back home to my cold dark place and living on cereal again.

10 years later, as the Emergency Program Coordinator since 2005 is working and providing information to all community members to be prepared as much as possible at home for at least 72 hours.

The emergency management program does it best to prepare, and will respond once it is confirmed from BC Hydro that our community will be without power for more than 2 days. There will be a debriefing meeting next week with the Emergency Management Committee to discuss;

  1. What worked

2. What were some the challenges to respond

3. What are recommendation moving forward to be better prepared

Please feel free to email me at if you would like to comment or provide your experience of the Wind Storm / Power Outage. Your input would greatly be appreciated, you input will provide the Emergency Program with information we may not have been aware of or have knowledge of before.

I have also, enclosed a link to BC Hydro's webpage for you of things that can be done to prepare your home for an outage. Let's hope and pray our community doesn't get hit hard like that again, but if it does lets work together to be better prepared in our home and for our community.